Laws of Propositional Logic
In the assessment you will need to make use of these numbered laws of propositional logic expressed as axiom schemata.
Law 1.1: Complement Law of Negation
Law 1.2: Double Negation
Law 2.1: Idempotence of Conjunction
Law 2.2: Conjunction identity
Law 2.3: Domination Law of Conjunction
Law 2.4: Complement law
Law 2.5: Commutativity of Conjunction
Law 2.6: Associativity of Conjunction
Law 3.1: de Morgan’s Laws
Law 3.2: Idempotence of Disjunction
Law 3.3: Disjunction Identity
Law 3.4: Domination Law of Disjunction
Law 3.5: Associativity of Disjunction
Law 3.6: Commutativity of Disjunction
Law 3.7: Complement law
Law 3.8: Disjunction distributes through conjunction
Law 3.9: Conjunction distributes through disjunction
Law 4.1: Definition of Implication
Law 5.1: Associativity of Equivalence
Law 5.2: Commutativity of Equivalence
Law 5.3: Equivalence Identity
Law 5.4: Complement Law
Law 5.5: Definition of Equivalence