Symbol | Description |
\( x, y, z \) | Usually refers to numeric variables or constants |
\( i, j, k \) | Used to refer to variables representing indices in a summation, e.g. \( \sum_{i=0}^n i^2 \) |
\( A, B, C, \dots \) | May refer to particular sets (e.g. $S \subset T$), propositional constants (e.g. $A \wedge B$), functions (e.g. $X(x)$), predicates (e.g. $P(X)$), or words in a rewriting system |
\( p, q, r, \dots \) | Usually refers to propositional variables |
\( \Phi, \chi, \Psi \) | Greek letters Phi, Chi and Psi; often axiomatic letters used to stand in for well-formed formulas of predicate |
\( \Phi(x) \) | Often used when talking about some predicate $\Phi$ |
\( \Sigma \) | Used as the symbol for summation or for a set that is an alphabet of symbols |
\( \Pi \) | Used as the symbol for product |
\( \mathbb{N},\mathbb{Q},\mathbb{R}, \dots \) | Blackboard-style letters usually refer to particular types; see below. |
\( \Omega \) | Probability sample space |
\( P(X) \) | Probability function |
\( \sigma, s \) | Standard deviation (population and sample) |
\( \mu \) | Mean (population mean) |
\( \overline{x} \) | Mean of variable $x$ |
\( z, t, F, \chi^2 \) | Particular inferrential test statistics |
\( p \) | P-value, probability a positive inferrential test result would be observed by chance |
\( \alpha \) | Alpha, used in inferrential statistics as a threshold for p |
Symbol | Elements |
\( \mathbb{N} \) | \( \{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, \dots \} \) |
\( \mathbb{R} \) | \( \{ \dots, -0.001020\dots, e, \pi,\dots \} \) |
\( \mathbb{Q} \) | \( \{ \dots, \frac{1}{1}, \frac{1}{2}, \frac{2}{3}, \dots \} \) |
\( \{ 0, 1 \} \) | \( \{ 0, 1 \} \) |
\( \Sigma^* \) | \( \{a, b, abc, aabcbdc, \dots \} \) |
Rewriting Systems
Name | Symbol | Example |
Alphabet | \( \Sigma \) | \( \Sigma = \{a, b, c\} \) |
Set of words on \( \Sigma \) | \( \Sigma^* \) | \( \Sigma^* = \{\epsilon, a, aa, b, bb, c, cc, \dots \} \) |
Empty string | \( \epsilon \) | \( \epsilon \in \Sigma^* \) |
Transition | \( \Rightarrow \) | \( A \Rightarrow B \) |
Derivation | \( \Rightarrow^* \) | \( A \Rightarrow^* B \) |
Rewritten-as | \( \curvearrowright \) | \( X \curvearrowright aXb \) |
Propositional Logic
Name | Symbol |
True | \( \top, 1, \text{true} \) |
False | \( \bot, 0, \text{false} \) |
Propositional Logic Operators
Name | Symbol | Example |
Negation | $\neg$ | \( \neg \top = \bot \) |
Conjunction | $\wedge$ | \( \top \wedge \bot = \bot \) |
Disjunction | $\vee$ | \( \top \wedge \bot = \top \) |
Implication | $\implies$ | \( \bot \implies \bot = \top \) |
Equivalence | $\Longleftrightarrow$ | \( \top \Longleftrightarrow \top = \top \) |
Set Theory
Set Relations
Name | Symbol | Example |
element of | $\in$ | \( a \in \{ a \} \) |
subset | $\subseteq$ | \( \{ a \} \subseteq \{ a, b \} \) |
superset | $\supseteq$ | \( \{ a, b \} \supseteq \{ a, b \} \) |
equality | $=$ | \( \{ a \} = \{ a \} \) |
proper subset | $\subset$ | \( \{ a \} \subset \{ a, b \} \) |
proper superset | $\supset$ | \( \{ a, b \} \supset \{ a \} \) |
Set Operations
Name | Symbol | Example |
union | $\cup$ | \( \{ a \} \cup \{ b \} = \{ a, b \} \) |
intersection | $\cap$ | \( \{ a, b \} \cap \{ b, c \} = \{ b \} \) |
set difference | $\setminus$ | \( \{ a, b \} \setminus \{ b \} = \{ a \} \) |
cardinality | $\#$ | \( \#(\{ a, b \}) = 2 \) |
power set | \( \mathbb{P} \) | \( \mathbb{P}(\{ a, b \} = \{ \emptyset, \{a\}, \{b\}, \{a, b\} \} \) |
cartesian product | $\times$ | \( \{ a \} \times \{ 1 \} = \{(a, 1), (a, 2)\} \) |
Predicate Logic
Name | Symbol | Example |
Existential | \( \exists \) | \( (\exists x \in \mathbb{N})(x^2 = x) \) |
Universal | \( \forall \) | \( (\forall x \in \mathbb{N})(x > 0) \) |
Set Comprehensions
Name | Symbol | Example |
Term | \( \bullet \) | \( \{ x : \mathbb{N} \bullet 2x \} = \{2, 4, 6, 8, \dots \} \) |
Such-that | \( \mid \) | \( \{ x : \mathbb{N} | x \mod 2 = 0 \} = \{2, 4, 6, 8, \dots \} \) |
Axiom Schema
Propositional Logic Axiom Schema
Law 1.1: Complement Law of Negation
Law 1.2: Double Negation
Law 2.1: Idempotence of Conjunction
Law 2.2: Conjunction identity
Law 2.3: Domination Law of Conjunction
Law 2.4: Complement law
Law 2.5: Commutativity of Conjunction
Law 2.6: Associativity of Conjunction
Law 3.1: de Morgan’s Laws
Law 3.2: Idempotence of Disjunction
Law 3.3: Disjunction Identity
Law 3.4: Domination Law of Disjunction
Law 3.5: Associativity of Disjunction
Law 3.6: Commutativity of Disjunction
Law 3.7: Complement law
Law 3.8: Disjunction distributes through conjunction
Law 3.9: Conjunction distributes through disjunction
Law 4.1: Definition of Implication
Law 5.1: Associativity of Equivalence
Law 5.2: Commutativity of Equivalence
Law 5.3: Equivalence Identity
Law 5.4: Complement Law
Law 5.5: Definition of Equivalence
Set Theory Axiom Schema
Law 1.1 for any set S and any element s
Law 1.2 for any element x
Law 2.1 for any sets S and T
Law 2.2 for any sets S
Law 2.3 all sets are a subset of themselves
Law 2.4 for any sets S and T
Law 2.5 for any sets S and T
Law 2.6 for any sets S and T
Law 2.7 for any set S
Law 2.8 for any sets S and T
Law 3.1 for any sets S and T. Stating S is a superset of T is logically equivalent to stating that T is a subset of S
Law 4.1 for any element a, and any sets S and T
Law 4.2 combining Set S with the empty set Ø, is equivalent to Set S:
Law 4.3 The set union of any set S combined with itself is equivalent to itself
Law 4.4 Union is commutative
Law 4.5 Union is associative
Law 4.6 The union of two sets is always at least as big as each set considered individually
Law 5.1 where a given element a is in the intersection of sets S and T is must be an element of both sets
Law 5.2 the intersection of a given set S with the empty set Ø is always the empty set
Law 5.3 the intersection of set S with itself is always S
Law 5.4 Intersection is commutative
Law 5.5 Intersection is associative
Law 5.6 The intersection of any given sets is always at least as small as one of the given sets
Law 5.7 union distributes through Intersection and Intersection distributes through distribution
Law 6.1 if $a$ is an element of the Set difference of Sets $S \setminus T$ then $S$ is a member of the former and not the latter
Law 6.2 Set S intersected with the empty set is equivocal to set S
Law 6.3 The set difference of the empty set with a set S is the empty set
Law 6.4 The difference in any set S and itself produces the empty set
Law 6.5 The difference in Set R and the union or sets S and T is equivocal to the union of the difference in set R and S and R and T. A similar property holds for Intersection.
Law 7.1 When two different sets have exactly the same elements, they are equal
Law 8.1 the cardinality of the empty set is 0
Law 8.2 the cardinality of the intersection of S and T is equal to the cardinality of S minus the cardinality of the set difference of S and T
Law 8.3 the cardinality of the union of S and T is equal to the cardinality of S plus the cardinality of T minus the cardinality of the intersection of S and T
Law 8.4 the Cardinality of the intersection of S and T is equal to the cardinality of S minus the cardinality of the intersection of S and T
Law 8.5 the Cardinality of the cartesian product of S and R is the product of the cardinalities of S and R
Law 9.1 Set S is an element of the power set of T if and only if S is a subset of T
Law 9.2 the empty set is an element of the power set of a any given set S
Law 9.3 for any given set S, S is an element of the power set of itself
Law 9.4 the cardinality of the power set of set S is equal to two to the power of the cardinality of S
Law 9.5 for a given set R which is an element of the power set of S, the intersection of R and S is equal to R.
Law 10.1 For a given set T $\subseteq$ S, the compliment of T is equal to the set difference in S and T
Law 10.2 For a given set T $\subseteq$ S, The union of T and its compliment is equal to the S
Law 10.3 For a given set T $\subseteq$ S, The intersection of T and its compliment is equal to the empty set.
Law 11.1 for any set of sets A and any element a, $a \in \bigcup A $ if, and only if, there is some set $S \in A $ such that $ a \in S$
Law 11.2 for any set of sets A and any element a, $a \in \bigcap A$ if, and only if, for every set $ S \in A $ it is the case that $ a \in S$